Tuesday 14 December 2010

Day 1

Hah! It's 11.02am in the morning. I'm in the office (read: hell), just finished a project and now waiting for the next one. Duh, gonna be a long day today.

I decided to create a blog. Sebab semua orang pun ada blog so I nak la ada jugak hahaha. Shallow kan?

A lot of unexpected things happened these past few days. Some were tremendously joyful, and some were like.. meh! Eceh tremendously joyful la sangat padahal suka lite-lite je. Exaggerate lebih la kau ni.

Ok entry takde point langsung. Dah la.

@11.15am: dah tukar title blog. w00t! (yes, I know that, captain Obvious)

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